2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress

Using Agrobiodiversity to Transform Food Systems

The food we eat and the way we produce it impact both planetary and human health. 

Agriculture accounts for 70% of all freshwater use, contributes to more than a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, and is a major driver of biodiversity loss. At the same time, it is not providing us with the nutrients we need. Pre-pandemic, one in ten people globally was food insecure. That number is expected to rise by 150 million particularly impacting vulnerable groups and communities.  

To tackle global challenges, like malnutrition, climate change, and environmental degradation, we have an underused strategic asset in our toolbox – agrobiodiversity.

Agrobiodiversity is the wealth of different plants, animals and microbes that make up our agricultural systems. It is the menu of different foods we eat. It is the foundation of resilient, sustainable and nutritious food systems.

The 4-day Congress will convene experts, practitioners, and policymakers to share and advance scientific research, nature-positive solutions, policies, and practices to transform food systems and deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the use and conservation of agrobiodiversity.

How can I participate in the 2nd International Agrobiodiversity Congress?

  • Participate in or present your research at the 3-day scientific congress and virtually meet other experts in your field – each day will focus on a different agrobiodiversity theme: consume, produce, or conserve. Please note that the call for abstracts is open now until 30 June 2021 (link).

  • Network and join action-oriented discussions at the business and policy forums.

  • Wander around the virtual marketplace and meet top chefs who will prepare delicious and nutritious agrobiodiverse recipes.

Conveners: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation CGIAR / Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT

Partners: CBD, CIHEAM, CNR, CREA, Crop Trust, ENEA, FAO, FAO GACSA, FAO Global Soil Partnership, FAO ITPGRFA, FAO Mountain Partnership, IFAD, IFOAM, IISD, ISPGR, ISPRA, Slow Food, The Lexicon, UNCCD, UNIDO ITPO, WWF

Больше: https://alliancebioversityciat.org/iac/