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Conservation of nature and clean energy are the topics of trainings for women held in Yaghnob

2023-07-01 22:40
From June 23 to 26 of June, 2023, in the village of Makhtimain (Yagnob valley, Ayni district, central Tajikistan), employees of the Little Earth held the final events of the project "Sustainable use of natural resources and the participation of women in the mountain communities of Yagnob" - training on ecosystem services and on sustainable energy solutions. The events were attended by 20 local women from several nearby villages.

Training on Natural Resource Management and Ecosystem Services

To conduct a training on ecosystem services (held on June 23-24), an expert from the State agency for Protected Natural Territories of the Committee for Environmental Protection, the head of the department for the development of ecological tourism and international relations, Khudoyorov Firdavs, was invited. During the event, he reminded the participants of the prehistory of the creation of a natural and ethnographic national park, on the territory of which their communities are located. Firdavs shared plans to develop eco-tourism here and preserve local traditions. He also informed the audience about the flora and fauna of the park, explained why it is so important to preserve them, and how local communities can contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources.
I learned a lot about animals and plants that we have in Yaghnob. Before, I never thought about why they need to be saved. It turns out that we are much more dependent on nature and ecosystems than we think,” says Roziya Abdulloeva, a project participant from the village of Makhtimain.
Later, the project participants tried to recreate a map of the area, where they drew and identified the most important ecosystems in terms of providing various services, as well as indicating water sources, land resources and areas most vulnerable to natural disasters. This work was accompanied by a general discussion of the most pressing issues and the search for potential solutions, including those that communities can implement on their own or with little outside support.
Environmental knowledge and resource-saving equipment that local residents receive as part of the Little Earth project have a positive impact not only on the situation in local families, but also in the natural and ethnographic park as a whole. Such work must be continued,” Firdavs Khudoyorov believes.
Training on Sustainable Energy Solutions

On June 25-26, 2023, the second training "Sustainable Energy Solutions" was held for women. The main issues that were raised during the training were the energy situation in the villages of the republic, energy efficient practices and equipment, the use of renewable energy sources, as well as "green" business initiatives in local communities.

Employees of the Little Earth explained why women are more likely to suffer from energy poverty, how the irrational use of energy resources affects the environment and living standards, and what affordable and effective solutions exist.

They also shared their work experience in other mountain communities of the republic. In particular, the participants were shown a documentary about the results of the organization's work on the introduction of energy efficient technologies in the mountain villages of the Pamirs. In it, women talk about the benefits it has brought and how it has affected their lives.

In turn, the participants, working in small groups, discussed their own energy problems, and also tried to find and offer solutions to the difficulties they face.
I learned that not only in Yaghnob there are problems with fuel shortages and access to energy. Other remote villages of our republic face smilar challenges. Thanks to the presentations and the film, we saw how we can solve these problems and at the same time not cause much harm to nature,” says project participant Ruzimokh Chabborova from the village of Bidef.
The most interesting part of the training was the demonstration of the sets of equipment that were handed over to the project participants - a solar parabolic cooker, a solar lighting system, a pressure cooker and a thermos. The Little Earth staff emebers explained in detail how to use the devices competently and safely in order to extend their service life, and answered the participants' numerous questions.

The project "Sustainable management of natural resources and the participation of women in the mountain communities of Yagnob" is supported by the Swedish association Forum-CIV and implemented by the Little Earth with the assistance of the Swedish partner Centralasiengrupperna.