English news

Sustainable energy solutions for residents of the Sarichashma jamoat

2023-09-12 18:12
Three villages in the buffer zone of the Dashtijum natural reserve received sets of resource-saving equipment on the day of celebration of the 32nd anniversary of state independence of Tajikistan.

While the country was resting and celebrating the Independence Day of the Republic, the Little Earth employees traveled hundreds of kilometers to reach the remote mountain communities of the Sarichashma Jamoat in southern Tajikistan and hand over sets of resource-saving equipment to them.

On the eve of the holiday - the 32nd anniversary of the State Independence of Tajikistan, employees of the Little Earth made a trip to Khatlon region, Shamsidin Shokhin district, Sarichashma jamoat. The purpose was to distribute 26 sets of equipment in three villages of the jamoat - Dalelon, Urguli and Gusholak. Each set includes: parabolic solar kitchen, pressure cooker and household lighting system with detached solar photovoltaic panel.
Another set of equipment was handed over to representatives of the reserve administration. This will allow the devices to be used not only for their intended purpose, but will also be a good demonstration of sustainable and affordable energy solutions,” says Anton Timoshenko, executive director of the Little Earth.
The villages of Dalelon, Urguli and Gusholak are located in the buffer zone of the Dashtijum state nature reserve. The first two villages are not connected to the power line, and in Gusholak there are constant interruptions and restrictions in power supply. For lighting, local residents use generators or (those who have) small solar PV panels, and for heating and cooking - wood and dried manure, and, less often, bring in gas in cylinders.
I have lived in the village of Dalelon since 1979. From those times until today, the village has not been connected to the power line. We have always had to use wood, dried manure, or, if we have money, buy gas for cooking,” says Mirzoev Abdulo, a resident of the village of Dalelon.

Now our family has new devices that will help us save fuel and money. We tried boiling a kettle of water using a solar parabolic cooker. We didn't believe it could work. But not even 10 minutes had passed before our 5-liter kettle boiled, and all this only with the help of solar energy! Next up are experiments with cooking,” he adds.
Solar household lighting systems will provide residents with an off-the-grid source of lighting, improving overall safety and making evenings more productive. Pressure cookers will help them halve the time for preparing traditional dishes and save fuel. And solar parabolic cookers are a good alternative for cooking food and heating water. They are smokeless and the only energy resource they need is solar radiation.
Along with the equipment, the Little Earth employees provided short instructions in Russian and Tajik. During the distribution, they also demonstrated the assembly and operation of the devices, and answered questions from local residents.

The transferred resource-saving equipment will help reduce the overall load on natural resources and local ecosystems. This is especially important given that the Dashtijum reserve (zakaznik) and the nearby nature reserve with strict protection measures (zapovednik) of the same name were created to preserve rare unique species of biodiversity, including markhors and Bukhara mountain rams (urials).

The distribution of energy efficient equipment and renewables to the villages in the buffer zone of the Dashtijum natural reserve was made possible thanks to a joint initiative of the Little Earth and the German organization SunHelp International.

Timur Idrisov, The Little Earth.